Genre: Pop
This video is from Harry Styles, this nearly 6minute ballad is Harrys first ever solo single from his recent split from the boyband One Direction. The first minute of this video, begins with a simple C major arrangement so the main focus is the lyrical choices.
The genre of this music video is pop even though most of his singles on his album including 'Sign of the times' and 'Kiwi' sound predominately rock indie his persona from his One Direction roots will never leave him so he is classed as pop.
The start video shows Harry from all angles making him the frontman of the camera shot the camera is mainly focussed on him with the background blurred, which entices the audience consequently making them watch right till the end. There is a clear relationship between the lyrics of this song and the music video as throughout the chorus' in the video Harry gets higher and higher above the earth, presenting him as this GOD like ominous character exaggerating the feeling and emotion which comes along with the song, portraying the message that this is a new Harry Styles again intriguing the audience more. Furthermore, at the beginning the camera shot is very unfocussed but you can tell the shot is of Harry, this builds more suspense as the audience is anticipating this final reveal.
Harry is walking forward throughout this video showing how his leaving his past behind and focussing on his future which some people could view as a final goodbye to his One Direction days. He also looks very lost and bewildered which the director purposely done to metaphorically show how Harry is finally out of hiding and is back.
The outfit choice in this video is very smart almost prince like which has connotations to wealth and achievement but the normal country background juxtaposes this 'perfect' image that Harry is portraying showing that he is just a normal person. The close zoom on Harrys eyes makes the audience emotionally connect with the video as you feel physically connected with the lyrics.
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